Event in honor of teachers and mentors at the Fergana refinery

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A solemn event dedicated to the “Day of Teachers and Mentors” was held in the assembly hall of the plant. The event was attended by retired labor veterans who have worked at our enterprise for many years, mentors who have become role models in the production process and public works, as well as representatives of the younger generation.

Mavludakhon Khadzhaeva, a deputy of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, who took part in the event, congratulated our colleagues on the “Day of Teachers and Mentors”.


Noting that the plant pays great attention to support, care and communication with veterans. At the same time, she touched upon the electoral process, which is in full swing in our country. She called on the company's employees to take an active part in the elections and vote for a worthy candidate. Also, Director H. Latipov, deputy. Director B. Muminov and Chairman of the Joint Committee of Trade Unions R. Saidaliev. K. Egamberdiev, A. Turakulov, R. Makhmudov, M. Rustamov, M. Turaeva, G. Sultonov, H. Rakhmonov, who made a worthy contribution to the development of the enterprise and continued the tradition of “mentoring”, were awarded with certificates of gratitude and memorable gifts.


Press Service of “Fergana Oil Refinery Plant” LLC






